Pakistan Movement

Pakistan Movement

The Partition of Bengal, 1906- Bengal was partitioned due to some very important
1. Bengal was a very large province geographically and population wise. It was an
area with a population of 54 million (42million Hindus and 12 million Muslims)
in East Bengal alone and 31 million in West Bengal.
2. It was the demand of Muslims for they wanted a separate province in their
rule where they would have more favour and better jobs. So to make Muslims
3. They wanted to cut the power of Indian National Congress which had started
speaking against British agitating people. Further many terrorist agencies had
sprouted up, so to tackle them it was a necessary step for British.
Reaction of Muslims: Muslims were happy as there demand had been approved.
Muslims, who had been denied of education and many other facilities while Hindus
prospered, had their positions improved overnight. Muslims were happy as they had
recognition now. They were now able to escape from Hindu oppression. They had a
place where they could protect their religion, values and identity. They felt a feeling
of loyalty for the British.
Hindu Reaction: Hindu were very angry and they started non cooperation campaign.
They blamed British of dividing them with their Divide and Rule policy. They claimed
that British had tried to weaken Hindu Unity because they had started to call for
reforms through the use of Congress.
Hindus performed many protests and many petitions were sent to the government.
They attempted assassination over the new viceroy Lord Minto due to this event.
They started a Swadeshi Movement in which they stopped buying British goods and
threw many British goods in fire. British sales dropped dramatically.
Simla Deputation and Formation of Muslim League: Muslims watched Hindus
reaction on partition of Bengal and decided something had to be done to protect
their identity.
Further more National Congress was dominated by Hindus and Muslims needed a
base of their own as their voice for the British for Hindus could not be trusted to
favour Muslims.

They wanted to stand up and have some rights. They needed to get some reforms.
They wanted right of separate electorate to protect their interests, religion and
language. Thus they formed they had a meeting with Viceroy Minto in Simla on 8th
October 1906.
Simla Deputation: Asked for separate electorates. They asked for higher percentage
of seats than their higher population.
Morley Minto Reforms, 1909: Also known as the Indian Council Acts. Basically it
increased representation of Hindus and Muslims in different councils.
Reversal of Partition of Bengal and its effect: Because new viceroy and King George
5 ordered for the reversal of partition. British had been forced to reverse by Hindu
protests. The British feared more assassination attempts from Hindus.
It affected the Muslims greatly whose feelings of loyalty had been taken for granted
and they realized that they need to be organized to have a voice of their own.
The Lucknow Pact, 1916: Was the first Agreement between Congress and Muslim
League. Important as it established Jinnah as the focal point for this agreement and
showed his great political abilities. It was done because the Muslim League felt that
they needed the support of Congress in its early years. Because they thought they
could pressurize British together in accepting their demands.
The Monatague Chelmsford Reforms, 1919: Were meant to be the promised
concessions to Indian from British after World War One. Basically introduced a
system of Diarchy in which certain subjects like local government, education, health
and other facilities were transferred under the Indians rule while the real power
remained with the viceroy like foreign affairs, Police and Revenue. Gave right of
separate electorate to Muslims.
Rowlatt Act, 1919- Prison without trial: This act was passed when the protest over
the Mont-Ford reforms started and other minorities began to demand separate
electorate. The act was passed allowing arrest without warrant, detention without
bail and provincial government ordering people where to live.
Amritasar Massacre: After passing of Rowlat Act more agitation started a new series
of protests and on a curfew time, people about 20,000 in number turned up for a
peaceful protest at Jilianwalah Bagh where G. Deyer ordered his troops to open fire
on crowd without warning killing and injuring many.
Khilafat Movement
Reasons to start it: After World War 2, British decided to break the Ottoman
Empire. Ottoman Empire held great importance to Muslims in India and so
they wanted to protect it and save the Khalifa.
Because the Holy places of Muslims were in the Ottoman Empire so their was a
great threat that British might harm Holt places of Muslims.
Reasons of its failure: Because of many reasons the movement failed.
Withdrawl of Gandhi: Hindus had been cooperating in this movement by performing
their own non co-operation to British. An incident at Chora Chori where many hindus
were killed caused Gandhi to withdraw with his Hindu force which weakened the
Movement’s strength.
Hijrat Movement: Because many Muslims tried to migrate towards Afghanistan but
were not allowed in the country so they had to return to find their properties
plundered and captured by Hindus. This increased rifts between the 2 nations and
also weakened the Movement as Muslims did not have the strength to take part in it.
Moplah Uprising: Some Muslims Peasants in South India attacked and destroyed a
police station and killed many Hindus. British was angered by this Uprising and so
they became firm on their decision.
Declaration of Turkey: Turkey itself declared itself independent when Kamal Ataturk
removed the Khalifa and so the purpose of the movement failed and it ended.

The Simon Commision, 1928: This council was formed 2 years earlier by
Conservative Party because they feared the Labour Party to give two much
concessions to Indians so it was formed 2 years earlier. Its purpose was to built a
unanimous constitution. It contained all British Officials.
Nehru Report,1928: Simon commission appointed Motilal Nehru to discuss and
make a unanimous constitution and after much discussions when the final version of
report came out it omitted all Muslim rights.
It disapproved for right of separate electorate for Muslims. It asked Hindi to be the
official Language and Muslims were given less representation.
The report reformed Muslim fears about Hindu dominion and the threat to their
Jinnah’s 14 points: Jinnah gave his 14 points as an answer to Nehru Report. It gave
aims for Muslim League. He gave it as His own Constitutional Formulae. It demanded
Provincial autonomy. It demanded separate electorate and rights of Muslims in
The 14 points were of great importance as they became the aims and basis for the
demand of independence and partition.
Round Table Conferences, 1930-32: These were held in London to discuss a
unanimous constitution with the Indians.
1rst Round Table Conference: Jinnah and Muslim League attended. Congress
boycotted because Gandhi was imprisoned due to his non-cooperation and Salt
Movement. The Conference failed in its main purpose but was achieved little success
as British agreed the introduction of representative government at provincial level.
2nd Round Table Conference: Both Jinnah and Gandhi attended it. Gandhi took a
hard line and refused to discuss minority problem claiming to represent the whole
Indian community. Congress stood by Nehru Report and refused to listen to
anything. This conference failed as well. Little achievement in this was the
acceptance for NWFP and Sindh to be given provincial status and governors.
3rd Round Table : Was held in 1932 and neither Gandhi attended nor Jinnah. The
Conference was a complete failure. The only success was the passing of Communal

Chaudhary Rehmat Ali and His pamphlet: In 1933 Chaudhary R.A. suggested
partition but none of the Muslim leaders agreed. He later issued a pamphlet which
gave the name and its origins for his supposed partitioned Muslim Country. He gave
the name Pakistan. P for Punjab. A for Afghania (NWFP). K for Kashmir. I for Iran. S
for Sindh. T for Turkiministan. A for Afghanistan. N from Baluchistan.
The Government of India Act 1935: Was the Final Constitutional Act by British
Government for India. It announced Elections. Raised representation and also gave
right of separate electorate to Muslims. Indians were not happy with it but accepted
it due to the upcoming elections.
1937 Elections: Both Congress and Muslim League participated and Muslim League
lost poorly. Congress won the elections. It taught how Muslims needed to be more
organized. It gave them experience of an election. It also gave realization that ML
had an Image Problem and needed to focus on area with the minority of Muslims for
there they had fared better results. Thus began the cruel age of Congress Ministries.
Congress Ministries 1937-39: Muslim League was badly treated by Congress.
Congress refused to cooperate with them. Congress ministries started to introduce a
series of measures, all which threatened Muslim Identity and culture. One of them
was the “Bande Mataram” Scheme, in which a Hindu Nationalist song which
encouraged to expel Muslim was made compulsory to be sung before the start of
every day official business and provincial assemblies.
The second famous issue was the Wardha Scheme in which Education was now in
Hindi, spinning cotton by hand was introduced in the school curriculum and religious
education was excluded. All Students had to bow to a picture of Gandhi before the
start of the school.
Further more Azan was forbidden, punishments on slaughtering of cows were
introduced and attacks on mosques were done. Sometimes pigs were pushed in the
mosques and noisy processions were arranged near the mosque during the time of
prayer. Anti-Muslim riots were also performed in which Muslims were killed, insulted
and their properties were captured. This increased Hate and rifts between the 2
nations and The period was known as the Congress Tyranny Period.
Congress Ministries Resign 1939: In 1939, World War 2 broke out. Lord Linlithgow
announced India at war with Germany. Congress was angry on not being informed
before the announcement about Viceroy’s Decision and refused to cooperate. They
demanded Self Rule and when Immediate Self Rule was not promised, Congress

resigned from government. Muslims celebrated at the end of the age of Congress
Tyranny and they named it “The Day of Deliverance” offending the Congress Deeply.
August Offer, 1940: Again Lord Linlithgow made an offer to the Indians which
Increased representation in Executive Council of Indians while gave them the right to
frame their own constitution after war. However Congress refused this offer.
Pakistan Resolution, 1940: At the annual session of Muslim League, The Resolution
for a separate homeland was passed in which it was demanded that all Muslim
majority provinces should be grouped as a one unit separate land. The Resolution
was known as Lahore Resolution but the Hindu press began referring to It as
“Pakistan Resolution.”
Cripps Mission 1942: Sir Stafford Cripps was sent with some proposals to Indians
which stated that after War India can have Dominion Status after the War.
Constituent Assembly to frame new constitution and members for this assembly to
be elected after War.
However Congress refused for the wanted Immediate Self Rule and they declared the
proposals as “stale”. Muslims refused because they wanted a separate homeland
and nothing else.
Quit India Movement 1942: In anger of Cripps Mission proposals and to pressurize
the British in the crucial situation, Congress started a mass movement against British
demanding British to leave. Jinnah condemned the Congress and saw it as an
attempt to exploit British. British however became more determined to keep hold
and shut this movement down by arresting many leaders and killing many people
through the use of air bombing and gas.
Gandhi-Jinnah talks: A number of letters and conversations were held between the 2
leaders in 1944 however the result was disdainful as Gandhi wanted Self Rule first
and then consider partition while Jinnah wanted Partition first and no other
alternative. Gandhi wanted power in hands of Federal Government while Jinnah
wanted provincial Autonomy. This widened the gulf between Hindus and Muslims
even further.
The Simla Conference: Lord Wavell held a conference as a last try to bring the two
communities together suggesting the formation of an Executive Council which will
have equal representation from both communities. However Jinnah refused this
offer demanding only partition.

1945 Elections: Muslim League one this election by a great margin with the motto of
a separate homeland. Furthermore the Tyranny of Congress Ministries could not be
forgotten so easily and Muslims could not risk the life of their identities again.
Cabinet Mission 1946: Under Sir Stafford Crips a cabinet was formed to try to find a
settlement acceptable to everyone in India. However on finding little common
ground between the communities, the Cabinet gave a plan which rejected Pakistan
establishment while dividing India in 3 parts: A= Hindu majority. B= Muslim Majority.
C=Bengal and Assam. Each part was to have local autonomy. Foreign Affairs, defence
and communication was to be managed by Central Indian Union.
Furthermore it suggested formation of an interim government. However the plan
was refused because of Congress disobedience to the Cabinet Plan.
Direct Action Day 1946: It was peaceful demonstration to show that Muslims
wanted Independence and British should hurry up with it. However in Calcutta
it turned to serious rioting and 4000 people died in it.
3 June Plan: The plan finally announcing Partition of India into 2 states. It
grouped Muslim provinces and Hindu Provinces as single while giving right to
the princely states to join any of the 2 countries with the vote of their people.
Boundary Commission: The Boundaries of partition were done by this
commission under Sir Radcliffe and Mount batten who unfairly gave certain
Muslim areas like Gurdaspur, Ferozpur and Calcutta to India causing serious
problem for the future of Pakistan.

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